The Jewish Frankfurt School: It’s Alive and Well in the USA
Communist propaganda is being taught in almost every school in America. But here’s the important detail: it’s never called “communist propaganda.” It’s always called something else: “White privilege...
View ArticleWhite Privilege or Jewish Privilege?
Jewish privilege, of course. At all of the elite colleges and universities, it’s Jews (who look White, but aren’t genetically White) who enjoy significant over-representation and privilege. [Article].
View Article“White Privilege”
As if Whites – the people who gave the world to mankind – need “privilege” to succeed or to stay out of trouble with the law. As if your average White person’s IQ isn’t 15 points higher than a Black’s....
View ArticleNotre Dame’s White Privilege Seminar (Sociology 25850)
First of all, Western culture is White culture, so there would be nothing wrong with “White privilege” anyway (White privilege may exist to some degree but most Whites are successful because they’re...
View ArticleWhy the Term “White Privilege” is Bogus and Marxist
“White privilege” equals “undeserved privilege,” as if you have something that you don’t deserve (e.g., someone gave you a brand new Ferrari [above] even though you are dirt poor, have no job and...
View ArticleHow About Some “White Privilege” Lessons With Your Physics?
What? You don’t see the clear connection between racial “privilege” and Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion? Well, then, I’ll bet you feel pretty foolish, don’t you? That’s probably why you didn’t get...
View Article“White Privilege Theory” is Now Part of U.S. Military Doctrine
And to think that White men built the U.S. military! (Let’s pretend, just for the sake of argument, that White Privilege is a real thing and not part of Cultural Marxism: White Privilege is perfectly...
View ArticleIf White Privilege is Real, Then Why…
I found this while surfing around the internet, re: “White Privilege”: “In the meanwhile, nonwhites would avoid majority white neighborhoods, institutions, schools and workplaces, because they would be...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to Leftists and Jews Who Believe in the Idea of “White Privilege”
First of all, every White person I know has succeeded because he or she worked hard and stayed out of jail, unlike most Blacks. Second of all, let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that “White...
View ArticleGood Quote From Stormfront Forum
“White Privilege is a repackaging of the old Soviet Bourgeoisie. It gives the mob something to rant and rave about, and ultimately destroy. Once they have destroyed the “privilege” element, they are...
View ArticleLeftists and Non-Whites Hold Conference to Complain About White People
Okay, then, how about this idea: let the White people take back every invention they developed, and we’ll see how the non-Whites and leftists like it. For example, the Whites could take back...
View ArticleWhite People Create Great Things. Other People Use Those Great Things to...
Who invented universities/colleges? Whites did – specifically, the Greek genius Plato. His “Academy” (circa 387 BC) was the first institution of higher learning. But that shouldn’t surprise you, since...
View ArticleWhite Privilege? Where?
Liberals don’t think their arguments through. How can “White privilege” exist in an Affirmative Action country that’s obsessed with promoting “racial equality”? Right now, if you’re a Black female, you...
View ArticleHow to Cure Yourself of Anti-Whitism
Step 1: Go to your local library and look up “Western Civilization.” Step 2: Spend several days reading about “Western Civilization.” Step 3: Realize that White people invented the world and are the...
View ArticleThe “White Privilege” Hoax Spreads
Can you image someone complaining about “Asian privilege” in Japan or about “Brown privilege” in Central America? Nope. That’s because the claims of “White privilege” are pure baloney. They are nothing...
View Article“Whiteness Studies” Comes from Marxism and the Frankfurt School
But yet, American colleges from California to Maine are teaching anti-White “Whiteness Studies.” Colleges that teach Marxist propaganda need to be either de-funded or closed by the federal government...
View ArticleChairman Mao in America: White Schoolchildren in North Carolina Forced to...
I keep telling people that communism isn’t dead and that it’s right here in the USA, but few of them believe me. This confession/apology stuff is very similar to what was found in communist China:...
View ArticleWell, Well! 1960s Jewish Radicals, Part 2
“We have got to defeat White-skin privilege” — said two top Jewish radicals circa 1970. Now we know much more about the true origins of that term. (Notice also the funny term “Marxist theoretician.”...
View ArticleWhy They Are Anti-White
Jealousy and envy are very powerful things. The leftists and the non-Whites hate us not because we’re “racists.” They hate us because Whites gave the world to mankind; Whites “set the bar” as high as...
View ArticleThe War on White People Continues: Cultural Marxism in the Public Schools
White 8th-graders in Wisconsin are given a “White privilege” test. Here’s the funny part: your White tax dollars are paying for this, i.e., tax dollars fund the public schools. (Also funny: “White...
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