White males are evil and they should be silenced! Here’s how to deal with a White male:
1. Call him a “racist” at the first opportunity. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter.
2. Call him a “sexist” at the first opportunity. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter.
3. Call him a “homophobe” at the first opportunity. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter.
4. Accuse him of “xenophobia.” Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter.
5. When arguing with a White male, always play the role of the “innocent victim.” This trick gives you the “moral high ground” in any argument (Brown people use this trick daily, with great results).
6. Invoke the name of Donald Trump and call the White male a “fascist Trump supporter” at the first opportunity. After all, Trump is just like Hitler, only taller.
7. Prohibit the White male from saying anything in public. Do whatever you can to silence him: yell, scream, throw things, call the UN, call your mother, whatever it takes. After all, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic White men don’t have any right to free speech.
8. Remember: if you believe it, then it’s true. For example, if you believe that there are 74 human genders, then goddamnit, there are 74 human genders! How dare anybody say otherwise!