(Above: the vampire is doomed by the rising sun, in the German movie Nosferatu, 1922)
According to folklore, you can kill a vampire by exposing him to sunlight. If he’s trapped outside of his coffin after the sun rises, he’s doomed. Similarly, the “White People Have White Privilege” movement has one giant weak spot: when exposed to a racial fact, that movement appears completely ridiculous. Newbies, the “White privilege” (or similarly, “Whites are bigots/supremacists”) claims just don’t work when you consider this: Western culture is White culture. It’s not Black, or Brown, or Asian culture. In other words, Western culture is supposed to be White! It’s not supposed to include negroes, Mexicans, Pakistanis or other non-Whites. Talking about “White privilege” or “White supremacy” is as stupid as talking about the Tooth Fairy or about green men from Mars. It’s a non-issue, a popcorn fart in the wind.